Homenaxe ás víctimas da represión de 1936 na Cañiza, celebrado o nove de agosto de 2006
Celebróuse malia a oposición do goberno municipal, presidido por un Senador, que non quere que na Praza Maior da vila se lembren os nomes dos veciños que foron represaliados no 1936. Entre eles, a única alcaldesa que houbo en Galiza durante a Segunda República.
Wednesday, 9th August 2006
Homage to victims of fascism in A CAÑIZA, in the 70th anniversary of the rebelion of militars which caused the SPANISH CIVIL WAR.
A Cañiza is a village in southern Galiza, which is an european country in the northwest of Spain, state of the European Union.
In 1936 Spain was a democratic Republic. The rebels had no opposition in Galiza, but those who represented democratic institutions, as members of town council did, or members of left wing or republican political parties were arrested, judged and condemed to death or simply asasinated.
Nowadays Galiza is an autonomous region with its own Parliament and its language, GALICIAN, is co-official as well as Spanish.
The conservative Mayor of A Cañiza -Mayor from 1979 and member of the Spanish Senate- tried to avoid that the homage took place in the Praza Maior (MAIN SQUARE), but he failed.
Defying the permissions atorgued by the autorithies, he programmed some activities with clowns for children at the same hour, but the organizers of the Homage negotiatied with the artists and delayed the Tribute 30 minutes, successfully.
Language: Galician / Spanish
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